Hey! Remember the 80's?
Join your hosts, Joe Christopher and Kari Race, as they discuss all the outrageous hits, and those deeper hits, from the 80's! Which songs still hold up today, which songs should be left in the 80's, and which ones are hidden gems? We'll cover the well-known hits from the decade (Ghostbusters, anyone?), and even songs that you haven't heard in 30 years (paging Karla Bonoff). Dust off your Members Only jacket, crack open a Pepsi Free, and join us for segments like "Just a Bit Outside" and "Coming Around Again" and more! Chime in on Facebook at www.facebook.com/hrt80s or on Twitter @hrt80s.
Hey! Remember the 80's?
The "British" Top 30
Episode 249: This episode is inspired by Kari's trip to the record store, where she uncovered a set called "The British Top 30 Show." The countdown is from June 16, 1985, but is it based on the official UK Charts? Definitely not, but the jury is still out on where these rankings really came from. What can be confirmed is that you'll hear discussion about songs from Stephen "Tin Tin" Duffy, Skipworth and Turner, U2 and others.
More on our ongoing quiz series, but this time with a voice you may have not heard before! Find out if Joe can catch up to Kari before the final round!!